We have created modern co-working spaces to provide the environment needed to succeed. The environment promotes independence, privacy, and the opportunity to communicate with others in various formats all under one roof. We have small and medium size rooms, a large hall, and a green outdoor space, which are available for conducting coaching sessions, meetings, workshops, and events
هي مسرعة أعمال مختصة في مجال الترفيه، وذلك لتنمية المنشآت الصغيرة والمتوسطة؛ من خلال الممارسة المباشرة مع شركاء محليين وعالميين، لهم خبرة متخصصة في هذا المجال. توفر المسرعة للمشاركين فيها إمكانية لعرض منتجاتهم أو خدماتهم للمستثمرين مباشرة خلال فترة البرنامج
Rakeezah have brought together stakeholders from the government and the private sector to establish a tourism incubator with our partner Squad partners.
حاضنة أعمال الأحساء هي منصة دعم مقدمة من غرفة الأحساء وهي من ضمن مبادراتها الدائمة والتي تخدم المنطقة، فهي موجهة لشباب وشابات الأعمال بالأحساء لتأهيلهم وتمكينهم من تحويل أفكارهم الريادية والمبتكرة إلى مشاريع قائمة وواعدة بإذن الله.
The first Innovation Energy Incubator in Saudi Arabia. An initative by the Saudi Electricy Company.
The home to Jeddah’s free-lancers, start-up entrepreneurs, creatives and professionals on the go. Offering simple design, various communal work spaces and presentation equipment, Nawa makes working easy.
And don't forget to turn to your neighbour and say hello – the best perk of being at Nawa is the organic networking that takes place every day!
BE SMART TO MASTER YOUR BUSINESS! Smart Office is designed and formed by entrepreneurs to entrepreneurs. It is built to create a productive environment where freelancers, startups, and entrepreneurs work for making a life rather than making a living. It is a community, inspiration, and a great place to work, meet, learn, and connect. Smart Office is a based Saudi co-working space company that is aiming to achieve Saudi Arabia’s vision of 2030 by proofing the concept of Sharing Economy. Smart Office is not only a co-working space, it is a business hub where powered by a Saudi Arabian based Incubator/Accelerator “Startups House”. Smart Office provides furnished private shared offices, virtual offices, shared co-working spaces, meeting rooms, and photography room that is built and equipped with quality services and high-tech tools. With Smart Office your goals are never dream.
The Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) is a global, peer-to-peer network of more than 12,000+ influential business owners with 170 chapters in 53 countries. Founded in 1987, EO is the catalyst that enables leading entrepreneurs to learn and grow, leading to greater success in business and beyond.
EO Saudi Arabia - Riyadh is always looking to meet new entreprenuers in the area. If you are interested in membership, please contact us: