Support Entities

A menu of of different entities that provide support and services to entrepreneurs, including incubators, accelerators and co-working spaces 



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​Tamakkun Accelerator

Tamakkun Accelerator is directed to young entrepreneurs who are looking to capture their dreams of launching their own business in a short period and provide them with right mentoring and support to have a successful start

Eijad Business Incubator

Eijad Business Incubator provides:
Business support in Marketing, Business Development and other fields.
Affordable offices paces
Meeting Rooms 
Coffee Shop

There are three membership tiers:
Shared Office Access
Daily Access Card
Privileged Access 

Abde3 - A Center for Business and Technology Incubators

Abde3 is a Center for Business and Technology Incubators, Follow the the Royal Commission in Yanbu. The  center was created by the Royal Commission in Yanbu to encourage and support entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs to transform their ideas into successful projects in the market

I-be Hub

نموذج عمل جديد يدمج بين حاضنات ومسرعات الأعمال والمساحات المكتبية المشتركة، نمسك بيد أصحاب الأفكار والمواهب ونرسم معهم طريق نجاح مشاريعهم الريادية نبني معهم مجتمع ريادي فعال يربطهم بالفرص المتميزة.
شعارنا هو "إطلاق شركة ناجحة كل يوم"


TOMOH is a group of programs that seek to support SMEs in scaling up regionally and globally. The program is delivered in partnership with different stakeholders and SMEs 


حاضنة ومسرعة الأعمال الناشئة بجامعة جازان أحد مبادرات الجامعة ممثلة بمركز الابتكار وريادة الأعمال والتي تأتي ضمن مبادرات برنامج التحول الوطني لتحقيق رؤية المملكة العربية السعودية 2030 والتي تهدف إلى احتضان المشاريع الريادية الأكثر تميزًا من خلال منحهم مقرًا ومساحات عمل وإمكانية الوصول إلى المرشدين في مختلف المجالات الإدارية والمالية والقانونية 

Badir Program for Technology Incubators

The BADIR program for technology incubation focuses on supporting technology based business opportunities and the development of technology entrepreneurship.

KACST launched the BADIR program in 2008 with the establishment of its first incubator, BADIR-ICT (information and communications technologies). This was followed in 2010 by the establishment of BADIR-BIO (bio-technologies) and BADIR-AMI (advanced manufacturing and materials technologies).

Two further BADIR incubators covering NANO-technology and energy sectors are in the feasibility and concept development stage.

BADIR is also provided feasibility studies and development support to 11 proposed incubators within universities and other institutions around the Kingdom through the leadership role in the Saudi Arabian incubation industry by initiating the establishment of a national network.

The Riyadh Techstars Accelerator

The Riyadh Techstars Accelerator is focused on startups building and growing their businesses in the Middle East and North Africa. In 2021 this program hopes to run in-person, dependent on COVID-19 conditions.

Falak Acceleration Program

Saudi Arabia’s first angel-backed acceleration program is here to make history in the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the Kingdom. Falak will invest up to 500,000 SR in up to 10 different startups within a 3 month duration to enable, develop, and grow startups for Series A/B funding.


We have created modern co-working spaces to provide the environment needed to succeed. The environment promotes independence, privacy, and the opportunity to communicate with others in various formats all under one roof. We have small and medium size rooms, a large hall, and a green outdoor space, which are available for conducting coaching sessions, meetings, workshops, and events