Support Entities

A menu of of different entities that provide support and services to entrepreneurs, including incubators, accelerators and co-working spaces 



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Riyaadi Initiative

تتيح مبادرة ريادي الفرصة لتواصل أصحاب الأفكار الإبداعية من رواد الأعمال مع المجتمع، من خلال عرض أفكارهم في إطار بيئي، تنافسي وجذاب يخضعون من خلاله لعمليات تقييم متتالية من قبل خبراء محكّمين وفق معايير علمية محددة، تحدد المشاريع المتميزة لترشيحها للمراحل التنافسية الأعلى 

Thakaa Center

Thakaa Center is a state-of-the-art facility that aims to contribute to one of the Kingdom’s goals of supporting SMEs and entrepreneurs in order to increase their contribution to GDP. We achieve such objective through unlocking the potential of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence to support entrepreneurs build cutting edge prototypes and SMEs become more data-driven. Thakaa Center is managed and operated by Mozn

Innovative Center for Industry 4.0

Innovative Center provides several services to improve production capabilities for small and med manufactures; and to work in collaboration with them to build supplier chains that support big companies and other government sectors. In addition, Innovative Centers works to build a qualified team that allocated to provide predefined services for small and med companies to improve their capabilities. This team visits those companies and analyze and evaluate their procedures and process to improve them.

Entrepreneurship at the Islamic University of Madniah

تقدمت الجامعة الإسلامية بمبادرة لدعم اريادة الأعمال ضمن برنامج التحول الوطني 2020 لوزارة التعليم، حيث تهدف هذه المبادرة إلى تحسين البيئة التعليمية كهدف استراتيجي، 

ويندرج تحتها ثلاثة أهداف فرعية :
نشر ثقافة الإبداع والابتكار بين الطلاب .
إقامة دورات وورش عمل متخصصة في ريادة الاعمال .
دعم الافكار المتميزة وتحويلها إلى منتج يمكن تسويقه .

Riyadah Institute - Almadinah Branch

 ناشئ: مسار يستهدف المشاريع الصغيرة والناشئة بسقف تمويل لايتجاوز 300 ألف ريال سعودين

خريجين: برنامج يستهدف عدد من الأنشطة للمختصين فيها من حملة الشهادة الجامعية و الدبلوم في المجال بسقف تمويل لا يتعدى 500 الف ريال سعودي

التوطين: انطلاقاً من الرؤية في تمكين أدوات التنمية الاجتماعية وتعزيز الاستقلال المالي للأفراد والاسر نحو مجتمع حيوي ومُنتج وتحقيقاً لأهدافه فقد تم تصميم هذا المنتج الذي يقدم حزمة من الخدمات المالية والغير مالية
لتمكين المواطنين من دخول سوق العمل والمساهمة في توطين بعض الأنشطة التجارية

برنامج عربات البيع المتنقلة: قام بنك التنمية الإجتماعية بالشراكة مع معهد ريادة الأعمال الوطني بتصميم هذا المسار تماشياً مع قرار السماح بالترخيص للعربات المتنقلة لكي يتمكن المواطنون من ممارسة العمل الحر من خلالها

برنامج توطين المراكز التجارية:حرصًا على تمكين طالبي العمل من السعوديين والسعوديات من الاستفادة من قرار توطين العمل في المراكز التجارية المغلقة - المولات , تم تصميم هذا المسار بالتعاون مع بنك التنمية الاجتماعية. 

Saudi Federation for Cybersecurity, Programming, and Drones

The Saudi Federation for Cyber Security and Programming (SAFCSP) is a national institution under the umbrella of the Saudi Arabian Olympic Committee, which seeks to build national and professional capabilities in the fields of cyber security and programming in line with the established and internationally recognized practices and standards, to expedite the ascent of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the ranks of developed countries in the domain of technology innovation

Fintech Saudi

Fintech Saudi is a catalyst for the development of the financial services technology (fintech) industry in Saudi Arabia. Fintech Saudi aims to transform the Kingdom into an innovative fintech hub with a thriving ecosystem driven by local and international stakeholders.

Fintech Saudi aims to achieve this by bringing together public and private organizations to foster a culture of innovation, building a broad understanding about fintech and supporting the growth of fintech entrepreneurs and SMEs.

Injaz Saudi Arabia

Injaz Saudi Arabia is a member of Junior Achievements Worldwide, the largest non-profit organisation specifically designed to focus on young people in school and their first year at university. Private sector volunteers provide hands-on programmes on the realities of entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and workforce readiness.

The Centennial Fund

The Centennial Fund is considered an institutional work pursuant of the Saudi Arabian Kingdom ambitions and aspiration to support the youth to start their small and medium-sized projects ,and to be the supporting front for entrepreneurs and pioneers amidst the new economic trends that encourages business initiatives of small investors .p>

The idea for creating the Centennial Fund first emerged at a time when there was scarceness of programs supporting youth project to decrease the unemployment and develop the local economy . And since then , a specialized committee started studying the idea through looking into projects supporting the youth in other countries . The Youth Business International ( YBI), a program based in the united kingdom that has proved successful after its application in almost 40 countries , was chosen by the committee .

Export Credit Insurance and Guarantee Services

Export Credit Insurance and Guarantee Services are intended to support Saudi exporters by reducing their risk of not getting paid for their exports whether such default is due to commercial or political risk

Further, the service gives additional security to commercial banks and reduces their risk when financing exports by assigning policyholder's rights to a commercial bank. Banks, also, can benefit from the L/C confirmation guarantees that can help expand their limits on qualified foreign banks