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Newly incorporated; Business Model Validation


From 1-5 employess or less than SAR 3 millions in revenue


50 t0 249 employees or SAR 40-200 millions in revenue 


6-49 employees or SAR 3-40 millions in revenue 

Scale Ups

Entreprises with an average growth rate of more than 5%
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Rwaq is an Arabic Massive Open Online Courses Platform. We offer Free High-Quality Academic Courses for the Arab World. A fun, easy to use, and usable E-learning platform for the masses.


Logexa is an on-demand warehousing platform. We match your storage needs within multiple geographical locations, whenever you need it and the way you want it.


Naseej Market is a creative online marketplace, connecting buyers to independent local businesses, artists and designers selling unique and handmade products.

As Is Market

نحن في منصة As Is Market نجمع ونوفر لكم افضل المنتجات المختلفة من مجموعة وكلاء وعارضين بأسعار مخفضة ، التي تسهل عليكم عملية البحث والشراء لنخلق لكم تجربة تسوق ممتعة ذات طابع يهتم بأدق تفاصيل المنتج لنوفر لكم الجودة والمصداقية.


Hazen.ai is building advanced traffic cameras with the capability to detect dangerous driving behavior through video analysis.


HR+2 is a professional company specializing in the development of applications, solutions and consultancy in Human Resources Management as well as administrative fields, that enables businesses to focus on developing their core business. Our team is characterized by its distinct knowledge and experience in both Human Resources and software-development/IT. Through our experience and deep understanding of the challenges that many businesses face, we prototyped a practical model that empowers businesses to improve management and efficiency of their human-resources operations. HR+2 is an electronic cloud-based system designed to easily and reliably streamline and manage human resources and operations. It is a highly reliable platform that registered users can access from anywhere on the Internet through the browser or smartphones.


The app connects rotating credits and saving associations members electronically, where managers add members by phone numbers or usernames.
Also, notifies you about due date for payments and gives you updated association schedule.
Finally, it gives members information such as: bank account number and rating about members which has multiple criteria like: how many associations completed and if the member is committed to transfer on time.


Based on speed, simplicity and ultimate convenience, SmartBooking is an application that is set to provide the best online booking experience. Whether it is time for a haircut, a dentist visit or perhaps you would love to reserve a table at your favorite restaurant, SmartBooking will enable you to book your appointment and manage all your bookings in one place.

SmartBooking is a startup company that was established in 2016 with a global vision of becoming a universal hub and a world leader in making appointments and reservations for various services. SmartBooking is determined to achieve its vision with total dedication to customer service excellence.


منصة الكترونية للربط بين بائعي قطع غيار السيارات والمشترين جنبا الى جنب مع خدمة تقديم تسعيرة لقطع غيار السيارات يدير الشركة مجموعه من الشباب السعودي الطموح والذي يسعى لإيصال الشركة لمراحل تفوق التوقعات المنتظرة. تتخذ الشركة من مدينة جدة مقرا لها وتسعى لان تتوسع لتشمل خدماتها دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي. تتميز الشركة بخدمة توفير قطع غيار السيارات مع شحنها إلى أكثر من 352 مدينة وقرية في السعودية ودول الخليج عبر شركات البريد السريع المتعاقد معها إضافة إلى ذلك تملك الشركة عدة اتفاقيات وكالات السيارات والتي جعلت من شركة ورشة بلس منصة لتوفير أكثر من 11 علامة تجارية للسيارات.


اهلا بك في منصة اشراق, نسعى في اشراق الى مساعدة الراغبين في العمل بدوام جزئي, مؤقت او عن بعد في الحصول على الفرصة المناسبة وانتهاز الفرصة في الدخول لسوق العمل في جميع القطاعات وخصوصا قطاعي التجزئة والخدمات