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Newly incorporated; Business Model Validation


From 1-5 employess or less than SAR 3 millions in revenue


50 t0 249 employees or SAR 40-200 millions in revenue 


6-49 employees or SAR 3-40 millions in revenue 

Scale Ups

Entreprises with an average growth rate of more than 5%
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akel is a meal scheduling platform for employees. It aims at easing the process of daily lunch ordering by allowing employees to schedule their lunch meals from different restaurants as desired. Therefore, preserving their time and effort.


نمكنك من التجول داخل العقارات والتعرف على كامل تفاصيلها بدون زيارة فعلية للعقار. تصوير معماري. مجسم رقمي ثلاثي الأبعاد. مخطط هندسي للعقار. إخراج الجولات الإفتراضية. الأنواع: عقارات للبيع, عقارات للايجار, في موقع دار.


Nazeel is proud to be the first choice for more than 3000 hotels inside and outside Said Arabia by providing a cloud system works (online) to mange hotels, properties, chalets, resorts, and real estates 


Your one stop shop party planning platform. Whether you are a household or a business at ElevenElevn, we create; you celebrate. 


Hezmah special application enables customers to buy fresh vegetables and fruits of various kinds and deliver them for free
through the Internet and through an application that is divided into several main sections.

They are as follows: fresh vegetables department, fresh fruits department, and fresh fruit department

Tean Market

We assure you best quality with affordability

Just follow simple steps of our application and order from large variety of fruits and vegetables, at a time which suits you best. You can also customize your order as per your requirement.

Now available in Jeddah.


هي شركة سعودية وقفية تهتم بدعم جمعيات ومراكز الأطفال بعدة طرق تهدف للاستدامة من خلال التطوع المعتمد على الموهبة والتخصص. بدأت جَزِيل في عام 2015 عملها من خلال تكوين فريق تطوعي لدعم منظمات الأطفال النامية والمهمشة، معتمدة في ذلك على مهارات ومواهب أكثر من 200 متطوعًا من أنحاء العالم، في مجالاتٍ شتى، ثم تطورت بفضل الله حتى أصبحت شركة وقفية في عام 2018 .

Creative Design

Creative Design is recognized as a full-service interior design firm specializing in comprehensive interior detailing and space planning; it is located in Khobar.It was established in 2010

Taghyeir Innovation Company

شركة تغيير لخدمات الأعمال هي شركة سعودية ذات مسؤولية محدودة استطاعت في فترة قصيرة أن ترسخ اسمها بين أكبر الشركات المعنية في المملكة، وذلك عن طريق تقديم الاستشارات والاستراتيجيات المستدامة للمنظمات الرائدة في القطاعين العام والخاص. ففي الآونة الأخيرة ازداد وعي الشركات العاملة بالقطاعين العام والخاص بأهمية المشاركات المجتمعية ومدى تأثيرها على نجاح أعمالهم وعلى المجتمع السعودي ككل مما أدى إلى شروع العديد من المدراء التنفيذيين ورجال الأعمال على الاستثمار والمساهمة في المشاريع الاجتماعية لعدة أسباب منها: - نشر العلامة التجارية الخاصة بالشركة - بناء سمعة للشركة لدى عملائها - المساهمة في بناء وتطوير مجتمعهم وبلادهم.


Shiftah is an innovative Saudi startup with a shared-economy model that turns everyone’s car into a moving billboard.

Shiftah is a mobile application and an online platform that provides an outdoor advertisement solution for brands, by matching them with car owners who would display advertisements on their cars. We believe that through this new approach, the whole ecosystem will benefit.

We are set to make outdoor advertising socioeconomically beneficial for advertisers. Shiftah is competitively priced compared to other traditional outdoor channels, with additional features such as; providing advertisers with the flexibility in setting campaigns, customizing campaigns, efficiently reaching targeted customers via zone selection, constant review and live monitoring of trips and impact/progress, as well as reporting tools.

Shiftah provides car drivers with the opportunity to turn their cars into mobile billboards, allowing them to earn extra money for something they already do!

Here at Shiftah, we are advocates of providing brands with the tools to amplify their marketing campaigns, while simultaneously allowing drivers to gain extra cash, by having their cars temporarily wrapped with brands campaigns.