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Newly incorporated; Business Model Validation


From 1-5 employess or less than SAR 3 millions in revenue


50 t0 249 employees or SAR 40-200 millions in revenue 


6-49 employees or SAR 3-40 millions in revenue 

Scale Ups

Entreprises with an average growth rate of more than 5%
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Your favorite sports activity is now three steps away (search, book, pay), no long-term commitment in the best and nearest location.


We are the first healthcare application of its kind in the Middle East in which you can connect directly to a doctor of your choice. A certified, qualified doctors staff is ready for you to start consulting freely for your cases using pictures, videos, audio recordings.
Through Cura application, you can start secure conversations with doctors, follow up on your consultations with no distance or time limitations just from the comfort of your home.


Tawseel is a Technology Solution that Connects the Closest Freelance Drivers with Businesses and Consumers to Provide a Fast & Reliable Delivery. The Technology Includes Real-Time Tracking & Many Features that Assist in the Reliability of the Service. We Provide Mobile Apps for Consumers and Drivers as well as API & Portal for Businesses. We Are at Growth Stage and Have Expanded to 10 Saudi Cities

Avocado Online

أفوكادو هي خدمه رائدة في تجارة التجزئة للفواكه والخضروات الطازجة عبر الإنترنت في المملكة العربية السعودية و التي يتم توصيلها مباشرة إلى منزلك. خدمتنا هي الرائدة في هذا القطاع, حيث نعمل على توصيل الفواكه والخضروات الطازجة بطريقه أسهل وأسرع إلى العملاء في جميع أنحاء المملكة, مع ضمان توفر افضل جوده للمنتجات وتقديم خدمة لا تنسى. أدواتنا المتخصصة في الخدمه والتكنولوجيا تسهل حياة العملاء من خلال جعل الاحتياجات الأساسية من الفواكه والخضروات متوفرة بضغطة زر. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، فإن مايميزنا هو التنوع والجودة العاليه في اختيارتنا للفواكه والخضروات مما يكسبنا ثقة العميل ويجعلنا خياره الأول


Artistia aims to build, on a historical heritage, a modern platform that fosters the new generation of Artists and Designers in the Middle East. Now, Artistia.com brings you unique and locally designed or made products that will make you showoff the talents we have in the region and allow you to express yourself differently. Products like fine art, accessories, Jewelry, apparel, home decor, Furniture, stationery, customization and more!
Artistia.com is an Arabic online social marketplace to buy directly from local artists & designers in the Middle East.


Suplift is a platform that helps people who want to learn new hobbies and leisure skills find local experts to coach and mentor them. Suplift provides the learners with access to real-life classes in their cities than are created by passionate local experts in those skills and hobbies.