Sendebad Pastries has opened in the Jubail industrial city in 2004, that time the fast food was in its Beginning, and American and European fast food chains captured the imagination of Arabs and Saudi young people in particular. In these circumstances, one of the new graduates decided to create a fast food restaurant, and opened its first branch in Jubail Industrial City in August 2004. It was rather a hard task.
The challenge was to create an eastern menu of high quality and ensure a high level of hygiene. The second challenge was to establish the concept of fast food and develop it among people and establish a solid base of permanent customers. Through hard work and sincere commitment to high quality and within several months became the name of pastries Sendebad known in the city of Jubail Industrial.. Our confidence in our products was the driving force to cross out of the current city . so that our next goal was to open another branch in Dammam which has been done in 2009. This expansion has met our ambitions and fulfilled the wishes of our customers and established a new base of permanent customers.
Sary connects you with wholesalers so you can continue buying the things you love while saving up to 40%. Download the app and embrace a smarter lifestyle.
We are now in Jeddah, Dammam, Khobar, Dhahran, Sihat, and Qatif.
إهداء، مقهى، وتجربة فريدة
DailyMealz Is a healthy food subscription app, delivers fresh, healthy and tasty meals to your office daily, with weekly or monthly subscriptions.
For those who suffer from ordering hassle every day, it is your chance now to eat healthy and tasty food easily daily.
Just install the app, choose a plan, select the meals, add your office address and get your meal delivered daily.
Ghasaaq Speciality Coffee
ساندويشاتمأكولات أمريكية
توصيل إلى حائل - اجا
The ALFANOOS was born in MEDINH In the ALFANOOS we care about the finer details and look for excellence and development always in the field of juices and cocktails to be the first choice IN Madinah for lovers of juice.
نحن شركة دبس التُّمور المتخصِّصة في تسويق وتقديم التُّمور السُّعوديَّة المتميِّزة ومشتقَّاتها، شركة سعوديَّة بالكامل تتمتَّع بخبرة كبيرة في هذا المجال، وإيمانًا بأنَّ التُّمور هي إحدى أعزُّ قيمنا الوطنيَّة التي لم تجد الاهتمام الكافي اللائق بمكانتها؛ فقد تولَّد لدينا الحافز العميق للمشاركة في تطوير هذا المحتوى الوطنيِّ الجميل، ومِن هذا المُنطلق توجَّهنا بتسويق التُّمور للأسواق والمعارض العالميَّة لتعريف العالم ومشاركته بهذا الموروث النَّفيس وذلك من خلال تصديرها وإعطاء صورة تبيِّن مكانتها بوضع بصماتٍ توضِّح اهتمام بلادنا بها ممَّا يتوافق مع رؤية المملكة العربيَّة السعوديَّة 2030 ويصبُّ في تعزيزها، ومع اهتمامنا بتصدير التُّمور إلى الخارج إلا أنَّنا لم نغفل وطننا الحبيب من التَّعريف بهذا المنتج المميَّز وذلك ببيع تمورنا في المحلَّات التِّجاريَّة داخل المملكة ومشاركتها مع الجهات الحكوميَّة والقطاع الخاص والوجهات الجاذبة.يقع مقرُّ شركتنا في المدينة المنوَّرة منطلق التُّمور الفاخرة حول العالم.وتفخر دبس باحتلالها مكانةً عاليةً لاهتمامها بالتُّمور العضويَّة وتقديمها بشكل فاخر وإبداعي، لقد بنينا سمعتنا هذه بعناية فائقة من خلال السَّير على خطوات عمليَّة دقيقة وتوثيق جادٍّ وثابت، ومن خلال قدرتنا على تقديم منتجات متميِّزة ورائدة.
Hezmah special application enables customers to buy fresh vegetables and fruits of various kinds and deliver them for free
through the Internet and through an application that is divided into several main sections.
They are as follows: fresh vegetables department, fresh fruits department, and fresh fruit department
We assure you best quality with affordability
Just follow simple steps of our application and order from large variety of fruits and vegetables, at a time which suits you best. You can also customize your order as per your requirement.
Now available in Jeddah.
Specializing in the production and sales of dates and palms. We aim at reaching local sufficiency and global export.