60 of the best early stage tech startups will be invited to the Seedstars flagship training bootcamp. The 2 day bootcamp, which will be delivered by Seedstars and expert international mentors, will equip the participating startups with the tools and methods to grow their businesses and acquire new customers.
The best startups will pitch in front of an investment panel and compete to be crowned the most promising seed-stage startup in their cities (Dammam – Abha – Jeddah – Riyadh). The winning startups will be invited to join the Seedstars KSA final in Riyadh on the 7th of October, and take part in the global Seedstars Summit that includes the tried and tested bootcamp and investor forum. It’s a catalytic platform for high growth emerging market startups.
In addition to seeing the top startups pitch, you can look forward to an event filled with disruptive tech, inspirational discussions, networking sessions and one flight ticket for the winner to come to Switzerland to compete for over $1mn in investment.
● Dammam: 13-15 September
● Abha: 20-22 September
● Jeddah: 27-29 September
● Riyadh: 4-5 October
جائزة محمد إبراهيم السبيعي لرواد الأعمال (عصاميون) هي جائزة مقدمة من شركة محمد ابراهيم السبيعي وأولاده (ماسك) لدعم جهود الجهات الحكومية والتجارية والأكاديمية المعنية برواد الأعمال، من خلال تخصيص جائزة تشجيعية لهم. وأيضاً دعم رواد الأعمال في المشاريع التقنية القائمة والواعدة حيث يتم فيها اختيار المبدعين من أصحاب الابتكارات المتميزة في جميع الأنشطة و البرمجيات و التطبيقات و الأفكار و المنتجات ذات الصلة بتقنية المعلومات عموماً و في مجال الخدمات المالية خصوصاً. ويتم توزيع جوائزها في منتدى ماسك الإقتصادي الدولي في الرياض في فبراير 2019.
In Saudi Arabia, small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) have been defined by the recently established Small and Medium Enterprises Authority (SMEA, www.smea.gov.sa) as any enterprise with an independent commercial registration that has less than 249 employees, and less than SAR 200 million as revenue. In this year event, Saudi Aramco is recognizing the companies that demonstrate the most significant progress and high-end results in two categories, the Best SME and Best SME development
Best SME Award criteria and eligibility
Best SME Development Award criteria and eligibility