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Saudi Angel Investors Network (SIRB)

The Angel Investor Network (Sirb) was established as an initiative of King Abdul Aziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) in line with KACST vision towards a knowledge economy.

Unlike all other investment alternatives in the region, Sirb is an Angel Investor Network with Angel Investors who typically invest entrepreneurs’ new startup companies at very early stages. Sirb angel investors play a critical role to proof the project, and make it marketable for a large investment round later on by large Venture Capitalist (VCs). Sirb contributes to increase the success rates of small and midsize projects at early stages through sustainable administrative and material support offered by angel investors.

Riyadh Angel Investors

Riyadh Angel Investors (RAI) is an angle investing group that includes overturns from a divers set of sectors in the Saudi economy whole can provide unique value to startups in mENA through their deep expertise and networks. 

Women Spark

We are an early stage angel investors network, investing with passion and dedication in ambitious entrepreneurs to define and dominate a new generation of digital economy creators

Our IQ and EQ is what sets us apart. We view the world through an expanded lens that enables us to have the diversity of perspectives needed to challenge industry norms and spark the unexpected.


 Business and Finance Community


Oqal Group (combined from the two Arabic words "Oqool: meaning minds" and "AmwaL: meaning money"). It is a non-profit organization, the first angel investor network in Saudi Arabia with the main objective of growing the SME sector in the country. OQAL Connects entrepreneurs with local/regional investors who are willing to invest in startups, and provide aid to entrepreneurs through guidance from members with specific expertise in knowledge areas such as marketing, finance, accounting, etc.

Oqal investors search for local early-stage highly scalable startups with high potential growth across all sectors. Oqal members make their own investment decisions either individually or in groups in the range of $80,000 to $1.3 million.

شركة مجموعة راز القابضة

شركة مجموعة راز القابضة هي شركة استثمارية لها مصالح و استثمارات متنوعة. تقدم المجموعة منتجاتها المتطورة و خدماتها المتميزة، كما توفر فرص ممتازة لرواد الأعمال و الشركاء في أغلب القطاعات يعمل ما يزيد على 250 من المهنيين و الحترفين و رواد الأعمال في أكثر من 12 مجالاً، و تعتبر مجموعة راز القابضة من الشركات الرائدة في مجتمع رواد الأعمال في المملكة العربية السعودية

  القيام بدور المنسّق المكمّل لرعاية قطاع المنشآت الصغيرة 
 العمل على تشجيع التوفير و الادخار لرواد الأعمال و إيجاد الأدوات التي تحقق هذه الغاية 
   توفير فرص عمل و شراكات حقيقية و متجددة لرواد الأعمال 
  التشجيع لقيام مشاريع (صناعية/تجارية/خدمية/حرفية 
  تحفيز رواد الأعمال للتطلع نحو إقامة مشارع خاصة بهم بدلاً من البحث عن وظائف