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Newly incorporated; Business Model Validation


From 1-5 employess or less than SAR 3 millions in revenue


50 t0 249 employees or SAR 40-200 millions in revenue 


6-49 employees or SAR 3-40 millions in revenue 

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Entreprises with an average growth rate of more than 5%
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Izaak Grill

ايزاك جريل ببساطة تستطيع طلب مايناسبك أو تقدم لك الأدوات لتشوي على طريقتك

Seen Design

سين – ويرمز لأول حرف لصاحبته الرسامة والمصممة ساره موسى – هي ماركة محلية للقرطاسية والهدايا بنمط عربي ورسوم مُلونة. انطلقت سين من السعودية في أواخر عام ٢٠١٢، وتستلهم المصممة ساره تصاميمها من التراث العربي، وتمزجها بطابع عصري ملوّن، فهي تؤمن بأنه لا يوجد حد لاستعمال الألوان، وتعشق ملمس ورائحة الورق  فالمطبوعات شغفها.

بالإضافة إلى كونها لوحات فنية صغيرة، فكل منتج في سين هو قطعة تقتنينها لتستعملها وتستفيد منها، أو تهديها لشخص يشاركك حب القرطاسية. منتجات سين تتحدث العربية لغتي ولغتك، وتأتي بتصاميم مميزة لتسد ثغرة في عالم القرطاسية في السوق المحلي.

أصدقاء سين ينتظرون التقويم في مطلع كل عام جديد، فهو المنتج الأكثر مبيعاً، وكل عام يأتي بتصميم مختلف ويشمل كُلاً من التواريخ الميلادية والهجرية مما يجعله عملي وسهل الاستعمال، ناهيك عن شكله الجميل.

هدف سين هو نشر ثقافة الجمال والإبداع باللغة العربية،


Kornaf is an industrial startup that works on using the physical characteristic of waisted palm resources by manufacturing long term wooden products and avoiding the environmental impact of burning it.

Al Esra Cabin

Al Esra cabin offers the ideal solutions for the production of prefabricated unites such as residential buildings, offices, premises, work rooms, guard rooms, etc. Our priority is achieve customers satisfaction by focusing on the quality of our products and the efficiency of our staff 

Nice One

Nice one is the largest makeup E-commerce located in the Middle East, the country of Saudi Arabia.

In 2017, the total of the of products in NICEONE @NICEONESA were 300 products and categories. Now in NICEONE, there are more than 15000 categories variety between makeup, perfumes, sunglasses, and along with accessories. In addition, none of it would be there except with the success that Allah (Glorified and Exalted Be) gave us. Then with the full team effort, sometimes they work around 17 hours a day. It is true that we faced some obstacles and difficulties. However, in the end of the road, each time you must renew your style, change your technique, then you see the results of your effort and you get more excitement. This year, NICEONE team is facing a bigger challenge. Which is “we become number one in our field or we don’t deserve to be in it”. The upcoming seven months will witness so many changes in our field. Delivery in hours, competitive prices, Special customer care, develop customer satisfaction and happiness, and more products and diversity.


Arabic focused social media listening tool that empowers businesses to understand their customers by revealing key consumers insights in real time.


NOTA NOTA is the gate to beauty and wonders that connect creators and designers from all around the world and enable them to design their perfumes and share them with the universe. NOTA NOTA is a new concept of mixing perfumes, a concept that would be part of your daily routine side by side with your coffee machine, So you prepare your perfume before you go out and wear unique perfume for every day, night, mood and event. NOTA NOTA won iF Design Award for 2018.

Nala: Medical App

تعرف على نالا. مستقبل الرعاية الصحية. نالا هي مساعد طبي يمكنك من العناية بصحتك. تم تطويرها بمساعدة العشرات من الأطباء المرخصين من هيئة التخصصات السعودية. التحدث الى نالا هو أسرع طريقة للحصول على الرعاية الطبية المعدة لك شخصيًا.

• رعاية صحية معدة لك شخصيًا

• خدمة متوفرة طوال اليوم

• إسأل عن أعراضك و احصل على إجابة فورية

• أطباء مرخصين من هيئة التخصصات السعودية او ما يوازيها

• توصيات طبية بناء على بياناتك لتحافظ على صحتك

• عدد لا محدود من الاستشارات الطبية

• احجز جميع مواعيدك الطبية في مكان واحد

• قدرة على التعامل مع ما يزيد عن ٩٠٠ حالة طبية


Welcome to Nejree The Middle East’s online store for branded sports shoes. We are a unique store, in terms of online branded sports shoes selling store. We provide you the best sports branded shoes on one place for unbeatable price. We want to make sure, you get the best out of our unparalleled range. Our Information Technology team have designed a user friendly website with secured information and payment gateways. You can access our website and contact us from any mobile or desktop device. We don’t just deliver your order, we understand our customers and provide our best to fulfill your desires in sports shoes. As a part of social responsible we encourage people to train and maintain their fitness with our range of sports shoes.


HR+2 is a professional company specializing in the development of applications, solutions and consultancy in Human Resources Management as well as administrative fields, that enables businesses to focus on developing their core business. Our team is characterized by its distinct knowledge and experience in both Human Resources and software-development/IT. Through our experience and deep understanding of the challenges that many businesses face, we prototyped a practical model that empowers businesses to improve management and efficiency of their human-resources operations. HR+2 is an electronic cloud-based system designed to easily and reliably streamline and manage human resources and operations. It is a highly reliable platform that registered users can access from anywhere on the Internet through the browser or smartphones.