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Newly incorporated; Business Model Validation


From 1-5 employess or less than SAR 3 millions in revenue


50 t0 249 employees or SAR 40-200 millions in revenue 


6-49 employees or SAR 3-40 millions in revenue 

Scale Ups

Entreprises with an average growth rate of more than 5%
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Geidea is a leading Saudi fintech, characterized by its customer-centered approach and best-in-class technologies. We consider our clients to be our success stories, because we develop solutions tailored to their needs. We serve both the public and the private sector including but not limited to the banking sector, retail & wholesale, F&B, hospitality and healthcare.


MADEED is a Creative Marketing Group that consists of multiple business units providing it's clients (mainly brands and corporates) with creative solutions to solve their needs in new areas such as Sponsorships, Influencers Marketing, and Project Development

MADEED Group acts as a back-end office to its sub-brands, providing them with the needed support functions, such as Administration, Human Resources, Finance, and Business Development

The Group aims to be a reference point in its areas of specialty through its excellence in the services provided to its clients


Shgardi is an application that connects the agents to the clients. Through Shgardi Application, the clients can order from any store or restaurant, to be delivered by the agent of Shgardi as soon as possible and with the best service and rate. We are distinguished in Shgardi by our competitive prices comparing to the market. We are not currently deducting any commission rates on the agents, and the full value of the delivery is fully paid to the agents of Shgardi. This put us in the position of the best delivery price among the delivery apps in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Shgardi app is currently working in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In Shgardi, we have provided instant chat feature with the customer care center. We have also a 24-hour dedicated client support team. 
Shgardi.. Your best choice for delivery.

Red Sea Farms

Red Sea Farms offers diverse products and services, including produce, technology, and consultancy.
Our lovingly-grown produce is not only sustainable, organic, and pesticide-free, but also healthier and
better tasting! Our patent-pending technology enables greenhouse and hydroponic farms to grow
more and better food with less water and energy - saving money and sustainably increasing profits. Our
team of experts provides world-class technical advice, design, and project management for saltwater
and desert agriculture.


رتب. لي منصة تفاعلية احترافية تساعد كافة المستخدمين علي تنظيم مناسباتهم في اسرع وقت بسهولة وبأقل تكلفة من خلال تقديم خيارات متعددة لمزودي خدمات تم اختيارهم بعناية فائقة بما يتناسب مع شروط منصة رتب.لي

Renjie Store

بأصالة الاجداد وخبرات السنين ، أتت "رنجي" كعلامة تجارية سعودية مختصة في إنتاج البهارات والتوابل المحلية، . حاملة مزيجًا يجمع بين عراقة النكهة وعالمية التجربة
ورنجي هي علامة تجارية مملوكة موثقة رسيما ً في وزارة التجارية السعودية لصالح شركة إنماسا التجارية

Ala Darbi

على دربي هو منصة تقدم خدمة بسيطة ومريحة الى العملاء إلكترونياً عن طريق تطبيق إلكتروني يسمح للسائقين بتقديم خدمات توصيل وارسال وشحن منتجات او بضائع او وثائق من مدينة الى مدينة اخرى نيابة عن العملاء او الشركات إلى العناوين المحددة سواء منازل او شركات ويتيح التفاعلية للعملاء بإختيار الخدمة والتواصل مع السائق وتتبع الشحنه بطريقة سهلة وسريعة. ”على دربي“ يمكنك من حجز رحلة واختيار نوع السيارة التي تناسب احتياجاتك في غضون ثواني من اي مكان عن طريق مطابقة طلبك مع السائق المتاح ليأخذ شحنتك الى اي مكان تريد، يعني انه لديك خيار حجز رحلة في نفس الوقت أو جدولة واحدة لاحقاً.


Smartista is an electronic Foundation to facilitate the communication between artists through providing several services to art. Our vision Spreading awareness about fine and visual arts in the Arab world culture Our mission Assisting artists in investing in their creative potential by formation an artistic guide


B8ak is an on-demand home maintenance mobile application, that connected home and business owners with verified service providers in major cities in Saudi Arabia.


The inception of NQOODLET was when our founders faced the same issue that every small and medium sized companies face, the difficulty in managing expenses and issuing prepaid company cards! That took us on a search to brainstorm till we reached inspiring results in seeding solutions and growing them to the fruit of innovation that is NQOODLET. Get an instant prepaid card for all employees , executives and managers, with easy management through our simplified operations and accounts, helping you make and track every payment, one at a time