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Newly incorporated; Business Model Validation


From 1-5 employess or less than SAR 3 millions in revenue


50 t0 249 employees or SAR 40-200 millions in revenue 


6-49 employees or SAR 3-40 millions in revenue 

Scale Ups

Entreprises with an average growth rate of more than 5%
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Kids Scientists

مؤسسة أطفال علماء نوجه ميول طفلك للمستقبل بإلهامه لاختيارالمسار التعليمي والمهني والابتكاري المناسب وليصبحوا علماء ومخترعين من خلال الترفيه واللعب. 

Dibs Dates

نحن شركة دبس التُّمور المتخصِّصة في تسويق وتقديم التُّمور السُّعوديَّة المتميِّزة ومشتقَّاتها، شركة سعوديَّة بالكامل تتمتَّع بخبرة كبيرة في هذا المجال، وإيمانًا بأنَّ التُّمور هي إحدى أعزُّ قيمنا الوطنيَّة التي لم تجد الاهتمام الكافي اللائق بمكانتها؛ فقد تولَّد لدينا الحافز العميق للمشاركة في تطوير هذا المحتوى الوطنيِّ الجميل، ومِن هذا المُنطلق توجَّهنا بتسويق التُّمور للأسواق والمعارض العالميَّة لتعريف العالم ومشاركته بهذا الموروث النَّفيس وذلك من خلال تصديرها وإعطاء صورة تبيِّن مكانتها بوضع بصماتٍ توضِّح اهتمام بلادنا بها ممَّا يتوافق مع رؤية المملكة العربيَّة السعوديَّة 2030 ويصبُّ في تعزيزها، ومع اهتمامنا بتصدير التُّمور إلى الخارج إلا أنَّنا لم نغفل وطننا الحبيب من التَّعريف بهذا المنتج المميَّز وذلك ببيع تمورنا في المحلَّات التِّجاريَّة داخل المملكة ومشاركتها مع الجهات الحكوميَّة والقطاع الخاص والوجهات الجاذبة.يقع مقرُّ شركتنا في المدينة المنوَّرة منطلق التُّمور الفاخرة حول العالم.وتفخر دبس باحتلالها مكانةً عاليةً لاهتمامها بالتُّمور العضويَّة وتقديمها بشكل فاخر وإبداعي، لقد بنينا سمعتنا هذه بعناية فائقة من خلال السَّير على خطوات عمليَّة دقيقة وتوثيق جادٍّ وثابت، ومن خلال قدرتنا على تقديم منتجات متميِّزة ورائدة.


3amaly is a Mobile Application platform to provide an effective and efficient solution between the Employer and the Job Seekers targeting the Part Time Jobs. All job seekers will have an instant access to all Part Time Jobs offered by all Private sectors and Individuals. This App will engage both sides in legitimate and official platform

Eram International Trading Co

Eram international established in 2016, to deliver the best of what potential global companies offer by attracting expertise and establishing partnerships that enhance returns of investment and makes a difference in the fields of entertainment and hospitality.


Established in the heart of Makkah, UmrahPro is a B2B online platform that provides hospitality solution services for Umrah & Hajj sectors. Because we know how extremely frustrating it is to find high quality hotels at the lowest prices, we wanted to make things easier for you and save your time by comparing an incredible number of hotels in Makkah and delivering unbeatable deals, all with a click of a button. You can easily search, find, and book the best hotels that suit all your needs. We at UmrahPro also believe that all great properties deserve to be discovered. That’s why we make it quick & easy for hotel owners in Makkah to market their properties, reach new clients, and grow their business through UmrahPro's platform. Join hundreds of hotels and list your property today! For more information contact us anytime.

Self Station

Self Station service is to save the wasted costs in fuel filling stations located in Saudi Arabia.


أول مؤسسة وطنية لتسويق وبيع التمور والمنتجات الغذائية بذائقة عصرية عالمية بكفاءات سعودية وجودة عالية.

Print Platform

An online platform that offers printing services online, at competitive prices and high quality with express delivery.


We understand that finding suitable clients for you is not always easy, many times what is out there and available doesn't fit your needs or schedule. Homoola provides you with the perfect match for you based on your criteria, all you need to do is pick the prefered one.Choose a suitable job from a wide range of clients looking for carriers and find all details you need to know about the shipment before starting the job, from knowing the origin and destination locations of each shipment to knowing what type of goods you will be carrying, and all the additional information that the shipper will provide. When it comes to getting paid, no need to worry or hassle, Homoola will make sure that you are always paid on time and in full when you complete the shipping process.


Sakrobe’s main goal is quality and excellence in addition to customer satisfaction, whether they were housewives, business or building owners in Saudi Arabia. The app and website are considered one of the prime platforms in home maintenance services and is classified as one of the leading online service providers as it offers variety of service choices and ease of use. Our well-trained technical team is headed and supervised by the most competent Saudi engineers and specialists in the home maintenance field