Falak Acceleration Program

Saudi Arabia’s first angel-backed acceleration program is here to make history in the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the Kingdom. Falak will invest up to 500,000 SR in up to 10 different startups within a 3 month duration to enable, develop, and grow startups for Series A/B funding.

Entertainment Business Accelerator

هي مسرعة أعمال مختصة في مجال الترفيه، وذلك لتنمية المنشآت الصغيرة والمتوسطة؛ من خلال الممارسة المباشرة مع شركاء محليين وعالميين، لهم خبرة متخصصة في هذا المجال. توفر المسرعة للمشاركين فيها إمكانية لعرض منتجاتهم أو خدماتهم للمستثمرين مباشرة خلال فترة البرنامج

Hail Toursim Incubator

Rakeezah have brought together stakeholders from the government and the private sector to establish a tourism incubator with our partner Squad partners. 

Thakaa Center

Thakaa Center is a state-of-the-art facility that aims to contribute to one of the Kingdom’s goals of supporting SMEs and entrepreneurs in order to increase their contribution to GDP. We achieve such objective through unlocking the potential of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence to support entrepreneurs build cutting edge prototypes and SMEs become more data-driven. Thakaa Center is managed and operated by Mozn

IKEA Forward

IKEA Forward is the first corporate startup accelerator in MENA. The program will incubate startups through a 4-month program, those startups will get a unique chance to work closely together with IKEA and to accelerate their startup. The program will end with a Demo Day where the startups showcase their startup and progress to IKEA, press, and external investors. 

I-be Hub

نموذج عمل جديد يدمج بين حاضنات ومسرعات الأعمال والمساحات المكتبية المشتركة، نمسك بيد أصحاب الأفكار والمواهب ونرسم معهم طريق نجاح مشاريعهم الريادية نبني معهم مجتمع ريادي فعال يربطهم بالفرص المتميزة.
شعارنا هو "إطلاق شركة ناجحة كل يوم"

Entrepreneurship at the Islamic University of Madniah

تقدمت الجامعة الإسلامية بمبادرة لدعم اريادة الأعمال ضمن برنامج التحول الوطني 2020 لوزارة التعليم، حيث تهدف هذه المبادرة إلى تحسين البيئة التعليمية كهدف استراتيجي، 

ويندرج تحتها ثلاثة أهداف فرعية :
نشر ثقافة الإبداع والابتكار بين الطلاب .
إقامة دورات وورش عمل متخصصة في ريادة الاعمال .
دعم الافكار المتميزة وتحويلها إلى منتج يمكن تسويقه .

Riyadah Institute - Almadinah Branch

 ناشئ: مسار يستهدف المشاريع الصغيرة والناشئة بسقف تمويل لايتجاوز 300 ألف ريال سعودين

خريجين: برنامج يستهدف عدد من الأنشطة للمختصين فيها من حملة الشهادة الجامعية و الدبلوم في المجال بسقف تمويل لا يتعدى 500 الف ريال سعودي

التوطين: انطلاقاً من الرؤية في تمكين أدوات التنمية الاجتماعية وتعزيز الاستقلال المالي للأفراد والاسر نحو مجتمع حيوي ومُنتج وتحقيقاً لأهدافه فقد تم تصميم هذا المنتج الذي يقدم حزمة من الخدمات المالية والغير مالية
لتمكين المواطنين من دخول سوق العمل والمساهمة في توطين بعض الأنشطة التجارية

برنامج عربات البيع المتنقلة: قام بنك التنمية الإجتماعية بالشراكة مع معهد ريادة الأعمال الوطني بتصميم هذا المسار تماشياً مع قرار السماح بالترخيص للعربات المتنقلة لكي يتمكن المواطنون من ممارسة العمل الحر من خلالها

برنامج توطين المراكز التجارية:حرصًا على تمكين طالبي العمل من السعوديين والسعوديات من الاستفادة من قرار توطين العمل في المراكز التجارية المغلقة - المولات , تم تصميم هذا المسار بالتعاون مع بنك التنمية الاجتماعية. 

Misk 500 MENA Accelerator Program

500 Startups is partnering with Misk Innovation to launch an accelerator program that will begin on January 27, 2019. Our team of growth hackers, investors, and mentors will be coming to MENA for 16 weeks to impart knowledge on 15-20 hand-selected startups.

Misk Innovation and 500 Startups will together help accelerate innovation and entrepreneurism by bringing Silicon Valley growth techniques to a batch of young MENA-based companies, helping them scale and fundraise.

The Misk 500 MENA Accelerator will be open to MENA-based pre-seed and seed technology startups.

Social Entrepreneurship Factory Incubator

SEF Inc is the first of its kind impact incubator in the Kingdom, aimed to enable and empower social entrepreneurs to build either for-profit or non-profit enterprises that solves society’s most pressing problems in an innovative way. We focus on increasing their effectiveness, sustainability and scale of impact through an intensive 12 months program.

Injaz Saudi Arabia

Injaz Saudi Arabia is a member of Junior Achievements Worldwide, the largest non-profit organisation specifically designed to focus on young people in school and their first year at university. Private sector volunteers provide hands-on programmes on the realities of entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and workforce readiness.

The Centennial Fund

The Centennial Fund is considered an institutional work pursuant of the Saudi Arabian Kingdom ambitions and aspiration to support the youth to start their small and medium-sized projects ,and to be the supporting front for entrepreneurs and pioneers amidst the new economic trends that encourages business initiatives of small investors .p>

The idea for creating the Centennial Fund first emerged at a time when there was scarceness of programs supporting youth project to decrease the unemployment and develop the local economy . And since then , a specialized committee started studying the idea through looking into projects supporting the youth in other countries . The Youth Business International ( YBI), a program based in the united kingdom that has proved successful after its application in almost 40 countries , was chosen by the committee .

The International License for Entrepreneurship

The International License for Entrepreneurship (ILFEN) is a professional certificate to be awarded to those candidates who pass the required test. The knowledge acquired will prepare any ILFEN graduate with the intellectual capability to begin a small entrepreneurial project

Entrepreneurship at KAUST

We offer training and mentorship to entrepreneurs both on and off campus, from scientists and students looking to spin out their inventions into new companies, to Saudi business owners interested in adopting an entrepreneurial approach to business growth.

Starting a business requires more than just good ideas. It takes careful planning and foresight, market knowledge, funding and ongoing support. KAUST helps entrepreneurs at all stages of the process, from ideation to launch to funding and beyond. We also help inventors protect and commercialize their inventions. KAUST is particularly interested in supporting new ventures that are aligned with the university’s research activities and that will have local or regional impacts and create jobs.

Bab Rizq Jameel

Small Business Support is one of the most important programmes offered by Bab Rizq Jameel. Since it was launched in 2004 the Small Business Programme has provided support for more than 25,000 small projects of all kinds

Young people who have good ideas but lack finance can benefit from this programme. Bab Rizq Jameel offers them interest-free loans starting from SR 6,500 upto SR 200,000, with a repayment period that can reach 5 years


Intilaaqah is a member of Shell LiveWIRE international Social Investment Programme  (https://www.shell-livewire.comin KSA, that focuses on developing SMEs, supporting entrepreneurships, empowering women and developing Saudi youth leadership and skills. 

Riyali - Financial Literacy Program

Riyali is SEDCO's Financial Literacy Program and the Group's flagship Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program which addresses the need to educate the Saudi population on financial literacy and empower people with the personal financial skills required to achieve a prosperous life
Riyali addresses an important need in Saudi Arabia to educate youth on the benefits, importance, and value of financial literacy
Using a series of interactive workshops, the program will drive change in behavior towards financial planning and responsibility and provide value through creating a difference in their overall spending and saving habits

Deem Al-Manahil

Deem Al-Manahil Fund is a private non-profit fund established upon an initiative by Al-Manahil Company aiming at helping the Saudi woman to practice free work and owning small projects in Riyadh.

Riyadah Institute

معهد ريادة الأعمال الوطني - ريادة - رؤيتنا: أن نكون النموذج الوطني لريادة الأعمال وتنمية المنشات الصغيرة والمتوسطة الأميز محلياً و إقليميا - المعهد غير ربحي  

فروع ريادة للرجال حول المملكة


فروع ريادة للسيدات حول المملكة



A non-profit organization that focuses on finding sustainable and innovative business solutions to societal problems by enabling social entrepreneurs, and collaborating with governmental and private institution