
Tools for Developing and Managing Enterprises


Business Plan

Business Plan

Project Management

Project Management

Cloud-based Solutions

Cloud-based Solutions

Business Solutions

Business Solutions

Skills & Knowledge

Skills & Knowledge


Wazyn is a program that helps human resource personnel to deal professionally with Nitaqat to raise the Saudization percentages by providing the best scenarios.


It is built to help you manage your businesses with heathy accounting. Access Qoyod using any device with a browser to create your quotations and POs and convert them to invoices using only one button and it will smartly do the accounting 


"Telework program" is a national initiative supported by the Saudi Ministry of Labor and Social Development (MLSD) seeking to create a local and flexible work environment that keeps pace with the developments in the global labor market

 Technology revolution played a role in fostering new cultures in the local labor market, as it is possible today to find flexible job opportunities that overcome physical obstacles and connect employers with employees through a virtual workplace

Moreover, the program is keen on providing the needs of two different yet essential segments in the workforce, who are women and people with disabilities.  These needs will be fulfilled by providing flexible job opportunities that overcome transportation obstacles and other obstacles faced by females such as inconveniences in the workplace and the need to take care of children during work hours 


يمكنك من خلال سلة إدارة الطلبات ومتابعتها بسهولة من أي جهاز سواءاً من الجوال أو الآيباد أو الكمبيوتر
كذلك بإمكانك إنشاء كوبونات التخفيض لعملائك، وإتاحة الدفع عند الاستلام، والحصول على تقارير للمبيعات، واحصائيات مفصلة عن المتجر وعدد زياراته، كذلك يمكنك تخصيص المتجر حسب ذوقك، ومتابعة المدفوعات البنكية بكل سهولة، ومعرفة كل صغيرة وكبيرة في متجرك من خلال خاصية الاشعارات وغيرها من الخدمات التي تساهم في إدارة تجارتك بإحترافية وسهولة

T| solutions

T| solutions has been established to support businesses in the Middle East by utilizing state-of-the art information technologies, to provide high quality, innovative solutions.

Since its foundation, T| solutions has been craving for excellence; maximizing the value of our products and constantly ensuring that we meet the needs of the most discerning customer.

Our team includes highly experienced business consultants who ensure that our solutions incoprorate correct and best industry standards to business process guidelines, at the same time our solutions are flexible enough to meet individual customer exceptions,T| solutions has successfully partnered with its clients to provide the perfect IT solutions, leaving the business to focus on its daily business needs and challanges.

مجتمع تاء

"موقع الكتروني للشراء الجماعي "  و هو عبارة عن منصة تتيح للمستخدمين {المخترعين ، المبتكرين ، المفكرين ، الموهوبين ، المبدعين ، الحرفيين ،رياديي الأعمال ، اصحاب المشاريع الصغيرة  ، الأسرالمنتجة ، الشركات و المؤسسات التجارية الخ } ان ينشئوا حملات تستمر لمدة محددة يروجوا فيها عن مشاريعهم و منتجاتهم و الامور التي يطمحون الى تحقيقها ، و يسعوا بهذه الحملات ان يمولوا مشاريعهم التجارية ، عن طريق بيع منتجات و خدمات مميزة و حصرية لجذب افراد المجتمع لشرائها ، على أن تكون عملية الشراء بعد إنتهاء الحملة مباشرة