أشياء متجر متخصص لتسهيل حياة البشر من خلال تقديم تجميعات تحافظ على وقتك
زائر هو موقع إلكتروني على شبكة الإنترنت ، یوفِر لزوار منطقة المدینة المنورة إمكانیة حجز جولات سیاحیة وثقافیة للوقوف على المعالم الأثریة والأماكن التاریخیة والتراثیة مع مرشدین مدنیین مؤهلین وحاصلین على رخصة الإرشاد السیاحي من الهیئة العامة للسیاحة والتراث الوطني.
The main goal of Zayer is to allow the visitors of The Holy City of Madina to explore the heritage of this blessed city through guided tours.
AyMakan has an impressive national infrastructure built by working with only the best in the transportation and logistics business. Our focus is on door-to-door logistics service, so we not only pick up from and deliver to large metropolitan and secondary markets, but also locations considered as beyond points.
AyMakan has one of the best logistics and transportation network in the industry, providing our customers with ways to reduce costs, increase efficiencies and optimize load capacity. Our network is dedicated, responsible, and always provides the highest level of transportation services with proactive and effective communication.
Ghasaaq Speciality Coffee
HalalaH is a digital payments platform targeting Consumers & Merchants to create an Ecosystem that will support growth of SME’s via providing them with new digital tools to accept payments, control cash and monitor sales analytics. HalalaH Company is licensed by Saudi Monetary Arabian Agency (SAMA) in Saudi Arabia & Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) in UAE