
Crate is basically a store that gives a larger exposure to local startups and social media businesses to showcase their products in the retail market and aims to help them develop their own business. We've noticed that there is an influx of social media businesses in Saudi Arabia and many of these startups aim to open their own store one day and build a strong brand presence in the market. Also, many of these entrepreneurs are talented in developing their products, but have little experience when it comes to managing a business. Adding to that, government setups, high startup costs, acquisition of talent, and other requirements, makes it difficult for startups to establish their own store. Therefore, we've developed a business model that positions us in the middle of the startups'​ life cycle, between selling through social media and opening their own store. After they join Crate, we will not only showcase their product in the retail market, but also empower them with the necessary business tools to setup, manage and operate their own store independently.


يمكنك من خلال سلة إدارة الطلبات ومتابعتها بسهولة من أي جهاز سواءاً من الجوال أو الآيباد أو الكمبيوتر
كذلك بإمكانك إنشاء كوبونات التخفيض لعملائك، وإتاحة الدفع عند الاستلام، والحصول على تقارير للمبيعات، واحصائيات مفصلة عن المتجر وعدد زياراته، كذلك يمكنك تخصيص المتجر حسب ذوقك، ومتابعة المدفوعات البنكية بكل سهولة، ومعرفة كل صغيرة وكبيرة في متجرك من خلال خاصية الاشعارات وغيرها من الخدمات التي تساهم في إدارة تجارتك بإحترافية وسهولة