
منصة الكترونية تجمع قاعات و قصور الأفراح والمناسبات في موقع واحد، تسمح بكم باستعراضها و حجزها عن طريق الانترنت

Master Events

Master Events is one of the growing establisments in Saudi Arabia. We in Master Events are working to provide excellent and diverse events in the field of entertainment and tourism. We have accumulated a lot of experience within a team of young, creative, dynamic & dedicated professionals to push the Saudi entertainment to new frontiers.


Sawerly is a website that brings together male and female photographers from around the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia & abroad in one place. Customers are able to get instant photography proposals from a large number of photographers and be able to filter and evaluate them on criteria like price, quality and ratings. Sawerly also opens the way for photographers to create a digital reputation and be able to display their experience, services, and previous work. Photographers will be able to bid on photography opportunities, and be part of the largest community of photographers. They are evaluated by customers by quality, attendance, delivery and other criteria. More than a 3500 photographers from around the kingdom & abroad to meet any kind of photography, video or other photography service like production, retouch, models, light, sound units and anything you might need Type of Requests covered in Sawerly - Wedding Photographers - Real Estate Photography - Event photography - Portrait Photography - Fashion Photography - Kids photography - Food Photography - Advertisement Photography - Car Photography - Sports Photography - Product Photography - News Photography - Documentaries - Nature Photography - Beauty Photography - 360 & Panoramic Photography - Night Photography - Arial Photography - Medical Photography - Family Photography - Photography under water - Photo stock on demand